Lalo Schifrin is List of related works.

Lalo Schifrin List of related works
Main person in charge : Original music
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The New Kids (1985)Original music 5.00 / 10.02
Tank (1984)Original music 0
Sudden Impact (1983)Original music , Other Crew, Composer5.30 / 10.049
The Osterman Weekend (1983)Original music 4.91 / 10.012
The Sting II (1983)Original music 5.33 / 10.03
Class of 1984 (1982)Original music 7.00 / 10.04
The Nude BOmb (1981)Original music 8.16 / 10.06
Caveman (1981)Original music 6.42 / 10.07
BUDDY BUDDY (1981)Original music 0
Brubaker (1980)Original music 6.33 / 10.09
When Time Ran Out... (1980)Original music 2.66 / 10.09
Battle Creek Brawl (1980)Original music 3.81 / 10.011
The Competition (1980)Original music , Other Crew6.00 / 10.011
The Concorde... Airport '79 (1979)Original music 3.33 / 10.018
The Amityville Horror (1979)Original music 4.27 / 10.022
The Manitou (1978)Original music 5.37 / 10.08
Rollercoaster (1977)Original music 3.77 / 10.09
Telefon (1977)Original music 5.37 / 10.016
Day of the Animals (1977)Original music 5.50 / 10.02
The Eagle has Landed (1976)Original music 6.51 / 10.031
Voyage of the Damned (1976)Original music 6.53 / 10.013
SKY RIDERS (1976)Original music 7.00 / 10.01
St. Ives (1976)Original music 4.50 / 10.02
The Four Musketeers (1974)Original music 5.42 / 10.07
ENTER THE DRAGON (1973)Original music 7.30 / 10.0217
Charley Varrick (1973)Original music 7.37 / 10.037
Magnum Force (1973)Original music 6.55 / 10.068
Harry in Your Pocket (1973)Original music 5.50 / 10.02
Joe Kidd (1972)Original music 5.27 / 10.018
Prime Cut (1972)Original music 6.00 / 10.01

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
40th(1967 year) Original Dramatic Score Cool Hand Luke Nomination
41th(1968 year) Original Dramatic Score THE FOX Nomination
49th(1976 year) Original Dramatic Score Voyage of the Damned Nomination
52th(1979 year) Original Dramatic Score The Amityville Horror Nomination
53th(1980 year) Best Original Song The Competition Nomination
56th(1983 year) Original Dramatic Score The Sting II Nomination

Golden Globe Awards

Year Department Title Name
34th(1976 year) Best Original Score - Motion Picture Voyage of the Damned Nomination
37th(1979 year) Best Original Score - Motion Picture The Amityville Horror Nomination
38th(1980 year) Best Original Score - Motion Picture The Competition Nomination
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