Jada Pinkett Smith is List of works performed.

Jada Pinkett Smith List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)Actress5.88 / 10.0652
Princess Mononoke (1997)Voice Artist6.49 / 10.0489
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)Actress5.03 / 10.0396
Collateral (2004)Actress6.11 / 10.0252
SCREAM 2 (1997)Actress5.68 / 10.0113
ALI (2001)Actress4.82 / 10.096
The Nutty Professor (1996)Actress5.02 / 10.082
THE KARATE KID (2010)Producer 6.35 / 10.077
Madagascar (2005)Voice Artist5.91 / 10.061
Reign Over Me (2007)Actress7.24 / 10.050
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)Actress5.00 / 10.044
After Earth (2013)Producer 4.88 / 10.043
Annie (2014)Producer 5.47 / 10.017
The Secret Life Of Bees (2008)Executive Producer6.75 / 10.016
If These Walls Could Talk (1996)Actress7.26 / 10.015
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008)Voice Artist5.78 / 10.014
Angel Has Fallen (2019)Actress5.84 / 10.013
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)Voice Artist7.25 / 10.012
KING RICHARD (2021)Executive Producer6.30 / 10.010
Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)Actress5.83 / 10.06
Menace II Society (1993)Actress6.50 / 10.02
KINGDOM COME (2001)Actress3.00 / 10.01
Set It Off (1996)Actress3.00 / 10.01
Return to Paradise (1998)Actress6.00 / 10.01
RIDE OR DIE (2003)Executive Producer2.00 / 10.01
A Low Down Dirty Shame (1994)Actress5.00 / 10.01
Bad Moms (2016)Actress5.00 / 10.01
Cops and Robbers (2020)Executive Producer7.00 / 10.01
Magic Mike XXL (2015)Actress0

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