Eddie Izzard is List of works performed.

Eddie Izzard List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
OCEAN'S TWELVE (2004)Actor4.42 / 10.0169
Valkyrie (2008)Actor6.54 / 10.0100
Ocean's Thirteen (2007)Actor5.34 / 10.085
The Avengers (1998)Actor4.09 / 10.072
Velvet Goldmine (1998)Actor5.74 / 10.063
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)Voice Artist5.71 / 10.045
Cars 2 (2011)Voice Artist5.78 / 10.041
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)Actor5.71 / 10.039
Shadow of the Vampire (2000)Actor3.91 / 10.023
Across The Universe (2007)Actor6.10 / 10.019
The Lego Batman Movie (2017)Voice Artist7.09 / 10.011
Absolutely Anything (2015)Actor5.72 / 10.011
Mystery Men (1999)Actor6.00 / 10.07
Boychoir (2014)Actor6.50 / 10.06
The High Note (2020)Actor6.00 / 10.04
The Cat's Meow (2001)Actor5.33 / 10.03
The Wild (2006)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.03
The Criminal (1998)Actor7.00 / 10.02
The Secret Agent (1996)Actor5.00 / 10.02
WHISKY GALORE (2016)Actor5.00 / 10.02
All The Queen's Men (2001)Actor7.00 / 10.01
REVENGERS TRAGEDY (2002)Actor5.00 / 10.01
The Day of the Triffids (2009)Actor7.00 / 10.01

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