Vivica A. Fox is List of works performed.

Vivica A. Fox List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Why Do Fools Fall in Love (1998)Actress9.00 / 10.01
Boat Trip (2002)Actress7.00 / 10.01
LITTLE SECRETS (2001)Actress6.50 / 10.02
KILL BILL: VOL. 1 (2003)Actress6.19 / 10.0485
Idle Hands (1999)Actress6.06 / 10.016
TEACHING MRS. TINGLE (1999)Actress6.05 / 10.018
KILL BILL: VOL. 2 (2004)Other Cast6.05 / 10.0260
Soul Food (1997)Actress6.00 / 10.05
JUWANNA MANN (2002)Actress6.00 / 10.02
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)Actress5.74 / 10.0103
Independence Day (1996)Actress5.53 / 10.0576
The Hard Corps (2006)Actress5.33 / 10.03
SHARKNADO 2: THE SECOND ONE (2014)Actress5.16 / 10.06
KILL BILL: VOL. 1 (2003)Actress5.14 / 10.027
4Got10 (2015)Actress5.00 / 10.01
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)Actress4.70 / 10.055
Batman & Robin (1997)Actress4.53 / 10.0101
KINGDOM COME (2001)Actress3.00 / 10.01
Set It Off (1996)Actress3.00 / 10.01
BOOTY CALL (1997)Actress3.00 / 10.01
RIDE OR DIE (2003)Actress, Producer 2.00 / 10.01
Aquarium of the Dead (2021)Actress2.00 / 10.01

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