 > レビュワー
 > kei さん

コメント数 78
性別 男性
自己紹介 まずは幸運にも劇場で鑑賞できたもの優先につらつらぼちぼち書かせていただきます。とはいえたまには都度鑑賞したDVDものも挟んじゃうかも。

ここ最近足しげく通っている映画館は、Film Forum, MoMA, Japan Society, IFC Center, Lincoln Centerといったところ。


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【製作年 : 1980年代 抽出】 >> 製作年レビュー統計
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1.  プレデター
履歴を追ってみると前回本作をDVDでみたのは2009年の事だったらしい。今回はIFCの銀幕にて鑑賞できる機会を得、結果としては星ひとつ追加。理由はどの台詞でみんなが「(笑)」となるのかが感じ取れたから(笑)   I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun!!!!   一週前にみたThe Abyss (1989) との共通点にもついほっこり。どうも80年代後半は地球人にとっても意味不明の野蛮宇宙人にとっても左腕に装着されたキーパッドが流行りだったらしいということ(笑)   本作登場の宇宙人が何しに来たのか全く不明ながらいえることはただひとつ、これこそ娯楽大作!!
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2016-10-09 00:40:23)
2.  アビス(1989)
Through a series named as "See It Big! Science Fiction" at my recently added venue, Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria.  When you look at their line up, you would notice that it could be called as "Cameron's and others" because of the frequency of James Cameron Titles. Good thing they did was they picked Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" as the series opener. This pick is helping a lot to balance with heavily Cameronized selections. : )  I was surprised that how little I knew about the actor Michael Biehn. His image with his mustache was very different with the one without. Typical examples are 1) I couldn't notice that he was the father of John Connor, 2) I couldn't notice that he was involved with affair with Sigourney Weaver in Aliens. It looks like tracing back his chronicle would be full of surprises.
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-06-17 12:34:38)
3.  007/ユア・アイズ・オンリー
The opening act is Sheena Easton!   There was a scene that Moore Bond starts panting while he climbs up long stretch of stone stairs. My impression was like "Oh, this is the portion they gave up when they switched from George Lazenby to Roger Moore!" Since I already checked Timothy's young, athletic version of Bond, now I understand well why people like Princess Di liked newer version of Bond.   Aside from those negative portions, this "three-year-older than Sean" Bond was doing great in this title. I thought "Thunderball" would be the only "water intensive Bond film" but now I know it was wrong.   I personally liked Carole Bouquet's mysterious eyes. She was like elder sister of Liv Tyler, at least in my imagination. : )
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 6点(2014-04-30 14:19:43)
4.  007/消されたライセンス
The second and, sadly enough, the last title by Timothy Dalton. Although the record says the lowest earned title, I personally believe many people's comment as "the closest ever Bond, to the original novel", even including Princess Di!   The opening is shocking enough as usual and it also contains sad and emotional moments, which had been avoided for the last two predecessors, Connery and Moore. I would say they were not good at these kind of things and those who are "matured" audiences had to wait until Dalton shows up. I was somewhat surprised to see my side of preference to watch Pam like Bond Girl, played by Carey Lowell. Another surprise was she is "the better half" of Richard Gere!   A personal trivia was the Hemingway House. : ) Since I just watched recently "Hemingway & Gellhorn" (2012), played by Clive Owen and Nicole Kidman, it was fun to watch the past in the past movie, both of them are pretty new to my current daily life.
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-30 13:54:00)
5.  007/リビング・デイライツ
Due to schedule conflict, I ended up landing on this title by skipping whole Roger Moore collections except the very first one. I'm not sure how this order changed reception of Timothy Dalton's image because I'd be one of the person who would have been fed up with Moore's too comedic too old Bond around that time. Dalton declined an offer for Bond role when he was 24 years because he felt he was too young for Bond, then declined again at the age of 34 because he didn't want be Bond like the ones in "Spy Who Loved Me" or "Moonraker" with the fact that their script wasn't ready by that time. I believe he made right decisions as a serious Shakespeare trained actor and that didn't lower his reputation and raised Bond's reputation at the same time. If 34-years-old Timothy would be competing against Daniel Craig, they would be serious contenders for each other.   I definitely watch this again after completing series!
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-27 22:32:23)
6.  エイリアン2
Talk about the moment of happiness!! Being able to watch perfectly restored "the original" and "the plural" two weeks in a row is what I am taking about.   It must have been tough to choose the right director for "the sequel" but James Cameron was right there with his initial hike at that time, especially when his two year earlier title, "The Terminator", promised his future success.   The storyline itself has shifted towards female side and the final round starts with the famous gong: "Get away from her, you bxxxx!" I can guarantee that you will be wide awake until the point 137 minutes later from the beginning!
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-16 08:17:53)
7.  ザ・フライ
My memory told me that this was a horror movie but that means I was just too young to get the core portion of this script. This title totally can be classified into the genre of love stories or even can be re-written into an opera piece with a right score, if there is such a thing. This kind of my perception tells that I am not that young any more, like when I watched this for the first time when I was still in teenage. : )   The biggest surprise for me after watching this was the fact that Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis have been married together for a short period, more precisely, for three years. This suddenly gave me an inspiration of checking other two titles, before this one and after this one, which they co-stared. I will!
[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-10 20:48:01)
8.  1999年の夏休み
「追悼ドナルド・リチー」として企画されたミニ映画祭を通して公開から四半世紀たったタイミングにスクリーンで鑑賞することに。それもこれもジャンルを超えて発信し続けた映画評論家ドナルド・リチー氏のおかげ。  1999年が近未来だった頃に撮られたお話ということでその美術的造形が印象に残り、美術担当の人を追っかけてみたりもした。一方で音楽はそれとは反対に落ち着いた感じでまとめてあり、これは全編を通してのどかに流れる緑多き風景とマッチして心地よかった。ジャンルとしてはあまり観たことがない分野であり、あまり予備知識がこってりあったら避けて通ったかもしれない。  「涼しい風にふかれてうたた寝をしてしまったら、不思議な夢をみた。」みたいな感覚に陥ってみたい方、是非どうぞ。
[映画館(邦画)] 6点(2014-04-01 12:50:26)
9.  ゆきゆきて、神軍
邦画評論家ドナルド・リチーの追悼映画祭での一本として鑑賞。企画として名を連ねる今村昌平、そのブランドに見合ったさすがのドキュメンタリー作品。  奥崎謙三という類まれなる人の言動を通して、観るものの善悪の判断基準を思いもよらないところから揺さぶってくる。一方で「価値観を押し付けて、その考えになびかない者に対して威圧的態度をとる」というのはそれこそ当時の敵国の今の姿に重なってみえてくるのが皮肉なところ。今回観客席にいたのは「白豚」側の人達。鑑賞後は意見を交わしたいような、交わしたくないような複雑な気持ちであった。マイケル・ムーアは本作を絶賛しているらしいのだが。
[映画館(邦画)] 6点(2014-03-31 09:16:03)

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