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Due to schedule conflict, I ended up landing on this title by skipping whole Roger Moore collections except the very first one. I'm not sure how this order changed reception of Timothy Dalton's image because I'd be one of the person who would have been fed up with Moore's too comedic too old Bond around that time. Dalton declined an offer for Bond role when he was 24 years because he felt he was too young for Bond, then declined again at the age of 34 because he didn't want be Bond like the ones in "Spy Who Loved Me" or "Moonraker" with the fact that their script wasn't ready by that time. I believe he made right decisions as a serious Shakespeare trained actor and that didn't lower his reputation and raised Bond's reputation at the same time. If 34-years-old Timothy would be competing against Daniel Craig, they would be serious contenders for each other.
I definitely watch this again after completing series! 【kei】さん [映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-27 22:32:23)
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