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Through a series named as "See It Big! Science Fiction" at my recently added venue, Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria.
When you look at their line up, you would notice that it could be called as "Cameron's and others" because of the frequency of James Cameron Titles. Good thing they did was they picked Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" as the series opener. This pick is helping a lot to balance with heavily Cameronized selections. : ) I was surprised that how little I knew about the actor Michael Biehn. His image with his mustache was very different with the one without. Typical examples are 1) I couldn't notice that he was the father of John Connor, 2) I couldn't notice that he was involved with affair with Sigourney Weaver in Aliens. It looks like tracing back his chronicle would be full of surprises. 【kei】さん [映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-06-17 12:34:38)
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