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Somehow, I was patient enough and have waited five years but it was worth waiting for. I finally had a chance to watch it on the big screen and as a 3D version, in a theater not so crowded and free to choose whatever the best seat.
The storyline keeps telling about the idiocy of human race but also keeps asking if you are brave enough to quit being a human being. This would sound like this one is somewhat crossed line version of "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind", here I am referring to the comic version of it, not the movie version. I don't want to easily quit being a man but it can be interpreted as cases when you have been tested how deep you can understand other tribe's values or when you have been treated as a disabled for long enough both mentally and physically. There must be big enough reasons he had to cross the border. If I stay here longer, I would be feeling closer to him in a way. By the time finish watching this title, I have started recognizing James Cameron as a director who can also write. 【kei】さん [映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 8点(2014-06-17 16:14:36)
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