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As one of gorgeous line-up of MoMA's "A View from the Vaults: Warner Bros. Today".
This title would be the weakest title by itself, in other words, it cannot exist by itself. If a person don't have enough time to watch the 3rd and last one, this one should be skipped. The big difference between the first and the second for me was that "The One" gave me a motive to read through the script but "The Two" didn't while used languages were equally hard to comprehend. While I was reading the cast line-up, I recalled Aaliyah's plane crash accident, which led her role into Nona Gaye's hand. Although her loss itself is a sad thing, Nona Gaye's discovery was a big thing. Another loss I did notice after watching the next one was The Oracle, Gloria Foster. I personally wanted to she her again in the last one. R.I.P... 【kei】さん [映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 6点(2014-05-13 10:25:45)
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