Average score ranking 641-rank 660 Country of manufacture : USA.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 641-rank 660 Country of manufacture : USA
Average score ranking 641-rank 660 Country of manufacture : USA(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
641The Band Wagon (1953)6.9032
642Music and Lyrics (2007)6.9060
643Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)6.9044
645Hairspray (2007)6.90113
646U Turn (1997)6.8966
647Monsters University (2013)6.8967
648Finding Nemo (2003)6.89289
649BROTHERS (2009)6.8937
650Cars (2006)6.89112
651Orphan (2009)6.89121
652UNDER SIEGE 2 (1995)6.89128
653Short Circuit (1986)6.8938
654Brokeback Mountain (2005)6.88145
655Turner & Hooch (1989)6.8835
656Forbidden Planet (1956)6.8853
657Ant-Man (2015)6.8861
658Moneyball (2011)6.88101
659Frankie and Johnny (1991)6.8863
660Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)6.8875
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