Average score ranking 21-rank 40 Country of manufacture : Hong Kong.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 21-rank 40 Country of manufacture : Hong Kong
Average score ranking 21-rank 40 Country of manufacture : Hong Kong(More than 30 reviews)

Other searches(84 hits): 1  2  3  4  5 
NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
21The Young Master (1980)7.2638
22Heart of Dragon (1985)7.2330
23Lust, Caution (2007)7.1952
24Blade Runner: The Director's Cut (1992)7.1557
25Wheels on Meals (1984)7.1189
26Drunken Master 2 (1994)7.02128
27NEW POLICE STORY (2004)7.0193
28Police Story III:Super Cop (1992)7.0046
29Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1976)7.0063
30Mr.Canton & Lady Rose (1989)6.9332
31The Shaolin Temple (1982)6.8975
32Chungking Express (1994)6.81150
33God of Cookery (1996)6.7735
34Infernal Affairs II (2003)6.7478
35Fist of Fury (1971)6.7149
36Cloud Atlas (2012)6.7067
37Riding Alone/Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles[米] (2005)6.6535
38Fearless (2006)6.6149
39La La Land (2016)6.61116
40TOKYO SONATA (2008)6.5560
Other searches(84 hits): 1  2  3  4  5 
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