Average score ranking 41-rank 60 Genre : Historical drama.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 41-rank 60 Genre : Historical drama
Average score ranking 41-rank 60 Genre : Historical drama(More than 30 reviews)

Other searches(59 hits): 1  2  3 
NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
41Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims (2005)5.3271
42THE ASSASIN (1998)5.2531
43Ballad (2009)5.2339
44PRINCESS RACCOON (2005)5.2236
45Taboo (1999)5.08112
46The Last Princess (2008)4.8241
47The Promise (2005)4.7943
48The Yin Yang Master (2001)4.71187
49Scabbard Samurai (2011)4.6053
50AZUMI (2003)4.50203
51Shinobi (2005)4.4881
52Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle (2000)4.4449
53AZUMI 2: Death or Love (2004)4.1643
54Year One in the North (2004)3.9344
55The Yin Yang Master II (2003)3.5567
56Owls' Castle (1999)3.48100
57Sakuya: Slayer of Demons (2000)3.4139
58Lake of Illusions (1982)2.9333
59Heaven and Earth (1990)2.6254
Other searches(59 hits): 1  2  3 
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