Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : Government.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : Government
Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : Government(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
1The Great Dictator (1940)8.17208
2Fail-Safe (1964)8.0556
3DAVE (1993)8.00141
4Lawrence of Arabia (1962)7.94133
5Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)7.7388
6The Day Of The Jackal (1973)7.72143
7Gandhi (1982)7.7096
8Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)7.69301
9Ashes and Diamonds (1958)7.6535
10The Damned (1969)7.5234
11Miss Sloane (2016)7.4742
12Underground (1995)7.4367
13Duck Soup (1933)7.4131
14GOOD BYE LENIN! (2003)7.35180
15JFK (1991)7.27150
16GODZILLA Resurgence (2016)7.24223
17Lawrence of Arabia (1988)7.2146
18Julia (1977)7.1941
19Kiss Of The Spider Woman (1985)7.1936
20Capricorn One (1977)7.18138
Other searches(54 hits): 1  2  3 
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