Average score ranking 21-rank 40 Genre : Detective.

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 > Average score ranking 21-rank 40 Genre : Detective
Average score ranking 21-rank 40 Genre : Detective(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
21SPEED (1994)7.36384
22Prisoners (2013)7.3169
23Columbo: Suitable for Framing (1971)7.3148
24Columbo: Forgotten Lady (1975)7.2835
25Hot Fuzz (2007)7.25104
26Heart of Dragon (1985)7.2330
27In the Heat of the Night (1967)7.2178
28Memories of Murder (2003)7.21164
29Witness (1985)7.18127
30Serpico (1973)7.1787
31HEAT (1995)7.16252
32Blade Runner: The Director's Cut (1992)7.1557
33Violent Cop (1989)7.12125
34Gone Baby Gone (2007)7.1151
35Prescription: Murder (1968)7.1144
37The Negotiator (1998)7.06310
38The Pledge (2001)7.0489
39Stakeout (1987)7.0248
40Columbo: Negative Reaction (1974)7.0234
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