Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : History.

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 > Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : History
Average score ranking 1-rank 20 Genre : History(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
1Ben-Hur (1959)8.00190
2Das Boot (1981)7.96144
3Lawrence of Arabia (1962)7.94133
4The Untouchables (1987)7.86368
5Braveheart (1995)7.80310
6Schindler's List (1993)7.80373
7Life Is Beautiful (1997)7.78634
8Gandhi (1982)7.7096
9Farewell My Concubine/Farewell To My Concubine (1993)7.70132
10Gone with the Wind (1939)7.58260
11All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)7.5570
12Battle of Britain (1969)7.5435
13The Damned (1969)7.5234
14Glory (1989)7.5082
15The Imitation Game (2014)7.5092
16Once Upon A Tme In China II (1992)7.4553
17Underground (1995)7.4367
18Tora!Tora!Tora! (1970)7.42109
19The Elephant Man (1980)7.42202
20Gladiator (2000)7.40546
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