Average score ranking 461-rank 480 Genre : SF.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 461-rank 480 Genre : SF
Average score ranking 461-rank 480 Genre : SF(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
461Steamboy (2004)4.99115
462The Running Man (1987)4.9693
463IMMORTEL AD VITAM (2004)4.9632
465Wild Wild West (1999)4.96131
466Hollow Man (2000)4.95334
467Fantastic Four (2005)4.94138
468Voices of a Distant Star (2002)4.9345
469Transcendence (2014)4.9146
470Superman III (1983)4.9052
471Mobile Suit Z Gundam A New Translation: Heirs to the Stars (2005)4.9054
472After Earth (2013)4.8843
473Junior (1994)4.8661
474The Postman (1997)4.8466
475Robocop 2 (1990)4.8398
476The Adjustment Bureau (2011)4.8354
477THE TUXEDO (2002)4.8381
478Howard the Duck (1986)4.8153
479The Animatrix (2003)4.8083
480Thunderbirds (2004)4.7850
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