Average score ranking 261-rank 280 Genre : Comedy.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 261-rank 280 Genre : Comedy
Average score ranking 261-rank 280 Genre : Comedy(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
262Mermaids (1990)6.9033
263The Pay Day (1922)6.9031
264Monsters University (2013)6.8967
265Short Circuit (1986)6.8938
266Cars (2006)6.89113
267The Children of the Marshland (1999)6.8835
268Turner & Hooch (1989)6.8835
269Frankie and Johnny (1991)6.8863
270Ant-Man (2015)6.8861
271The Band Wagon (1953)6.8733
272Waking Ned (1998)6.8739
273The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001)6.8747
274RE-ANIMATOR (1985)6.8733
275The World According to Garp (1982)6.87106
27650/50 (2011)6.8638
277Be Kind Rewind (2008)6.8652
278Paul (2011)6.8683
279The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)6.8581
280The Replacements (2000)6.8580
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