Average score ranking 441-rank 460.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 441-rank 460
Average score ranking 441-rank 460(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
441La Cite Des Enfants Perdus (1995)7.3580
442The Hurricane (1999)7.35157
443Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997)7.35182
444Drifting Clouds (1996)7.3542
445Porco rosso (1992)7.35422
446Late Autumn (1960)7.3537
447My Cousin Vinny (1992)7.3592
448GOOD BYE LENIN! (2003)7.35180
449The Commitments (1991)7.3537
450Save The Last Dance (2001)7.3443
451A Man and a Woman (1966)7.3488
452Oasis (2002)7.3450
453The Fantastic Planet (1973)7.3441
454Cinderella Man (2005)7.34111
455My Fair Lady (1964)7.34144
456Kelly's Heroes (1970)7.3443
4573:10 to Yuma (1957)7.3438
458Sully (2016)7.34108
459The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966)7.3461
460First Blood (1982)7.34238
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