Average score ranking 41-rank 60 1994 year.

 > Ranking
 > Average score ranking 41-rank 60 1994 year
Average score ranking 41-rank 60 1994 year(More than 30 reviews)

Other searches(65 hits): 1  2  3  4 
NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
41I.Q. (1994)6.2543
42When A Man Loves A Woman (1994)6.1533
43Disclosure (1994)6.0153
44The Lion King (1994)6.00129
45Serial Mom (1994)5.8269
46Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)5.7875
47The River Wild (1994)5.7787
48Reality Bites (1994)5.7798
49Timecop (1994)5.7244
50Clear and Present Danger (1994)5.5474
51Wolf (1994)5.4548
52Stargate (1994)5.31107
53Nell (1994)5.2641
54Natural Born Killers (1994)5.24156
55Pom poko (1994)5.07170
56Junior (1994)4.8661
57Terminal Verocity (1994)4.8137
58Major League II (1994)4.8170
59Beverly Hills Cop III (1994)4.7365
60Color of Night (1994)4.5332
Other searches(65 hits): 1  2  3  4 
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