Average score ranking 41-rank 60 2004 year.

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 > Average score ranking 41-rank 60 2004 year
Average score ranking 41-rank 60 2004 year(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
41Mindhunters (2004)6.3534
42A Moment to Remember/Eraser in my head (2004)6.3495
43THE FACE OF JIZO (2004)6.3138
44Finding Neverland (2004)6.23146
45I, Robot (2004)6.22250
46District B13 / District 13 (2004)6.2235
47Swing Girls (2004)6.21278
48Meet the Fockers (2004)6.2035
49Napoleon Dynamite (2004)6.1976
50The Terminal (2004)6.17317
51A Very Long Engagement (2004)6.1747
52Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004)6.14222
53Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)6.14169
54The Phantom of the Opera (2004)6.13166
55Collateral (2004)6.11252
56The Aviator (2004)6.11115
57National Treasure (2004)6.09174
58Hidalgo (2004)6.0862
59The Village (2004)6.06207
60KILL BILL: VOL. 2 (2004)6.05260
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