Average score worst ranking 741-rank 760.

 > Ranking
 > Average score worst ranking 741-rank 760
Average score worst ranking(More than 30 reviews)

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NoTitle Name(Year of production)AverageNumber of reviews
741Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)5.43112
742The 13th Warrior (1999)5.4369
743VANILLA SKY (2001)5.43340
744ANGER MANAGEMENT (2003)5.4344
745Body Double (1984)5.4330
746Evangelion: 3.0 you can (not) redo. (2012)5.4389
747Miami Vice (2006)5.4365
748Van Helsing (2004)5.43180
749The Accidental Spy (2001)5.4481
750Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)5.44197
751Deceiver (1997)5.4450
752The Well (1997)5.4445
753Paycheck (2003)5.45137
754What Lies Beneath (2000)5.45173
755Hidden (2005)5.4542
756The Emperor in August (2015)5.4537
757MALICIOUS (1973)5.4531
75888 Minutes (2007)5.4537
759FORCES OF NATURE (1998)5.4544
760Battle Royale (2000)5.45434
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