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2.Another pick from the lengthy list of on going MoMA series, Scorsese Screens.
There shouldn't be not many people who had chances to watch this 1951 classic masterpiece title in two different theaters with in a single 21st century year. The beauty of this city is that it allows me to do that. I feel honored to be the one who can rejoice such a moment.
My favorite scene is still the Olympia story, a.k.a. The Doll Song. Although it is obvious that song part is dubbed by an separate opera singer, I tried to get rid of that idea because the ballet part had equally high quality. I could officially put this "I didn't know well yet" ballet dancer above Natalie Dessay's performance through her another superb performance in The Red Shoes (1948). Of course, I am talking about dance part of this sequence. My "song part" favorite still remains as Rachele Gilmore's live performance back in 2009, though.
This is another great selection to experience the happiness of enjoying beautifully restored version of classical masterpieces. 【kei】さん [映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2018-07-01 13:29:36)
1.この映画ではヘンなことを覚えている。長いバレーシーンの途中にフィルムのつなぎ目が来てたのを、踊っている人形のゼンマイを巻き直すことでそこをしのいでいたこと。音楽映画の弱点はフィルムのつなぎのとこなんだけど、それをいかに乗り越えるかを、先人はけっこう楽しみながら工夫してたみたい(それとももともとそういう振り付けだったのかなあ)。映画の振り付けは舞台のバレーとは異質なものであるべきだが、でも最近のミュージカル映画のように、あんまりカットを割りすぎるとダンスの妙味が消えてしまう。本作はダンスシーンをたっぷり取っていたように思う。恋仇役の表現主義男の押しつけがましさが鬱陶しい、と当時の日記に記してあった、けど青に浸された「ホフマンの舟歌」の場などけっこう凄みがあって良かったような記憶もあり、今見直せば評価が上がるんじゃないかな。テーマは不可能な恋。 【なんのかんの】さん [映画館(字幕)] 6点(2008-04-07 12:14:20)
マーク説明 |
★《新規》★ | :2日以内に新規投稿 |
《新規》 | :7日以内に新規投稿 |
★《更新》★ | :2日以内に更新 |
《更新》 | :7日以内に更新 |
Review人数 |
2人 |
平均点数 |
6.50点 |
0 | 0 | 0.00% |
1 | 0 | 0.00% |
2 | 0 | 0.00% |
3 | 0 | 0.00% |
4 | 0 | 0.00% |
5 | 0 | 0.00% |
6 | 1 | 50.00% |
7 | 1 | 50.00% |
8 | 0 | 0.00% |
9 | 0 | 0.00% |
10 | 0 | 0.00% |