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ここ最近足しげく通っている映画館は、Film Forum, MoMA, Japan Society, IFC Center, Lincoln Centerといったところ。


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【製作国 : アメリカ 抽出】 >> 製作国別レビュー統計

1.  プレデター 履歴を追ってみると前回本作をDVDでみたのは2009年の事だったらしい。今回はIFCの銀幕にて鑑賞できる機会を得、結果としては星ひとつ追加。理由はどの台詞でみんなが「(笑)」となるのかが感じ取れたから(笑) I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun!!!! 一週前にみたThe Abyss (1989) との共通点にもついほっこり。どうも80年代後半は地球人にとっても意味不明の野蛮宇宙人にとっても左腕に装着されたキーパッドが流行りだったらしいということ(笑) 本作登場の宇宙人が何しに来たのか全く不明ながらいえることはただひとつ、これこそ娯楽大作!![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2016-10-09 00:40:23)《改行有》

2.  ホーリー・マウンテン 「エル・トポ」(1970) と併せて一気に鑑賞。 アレハンドロ・ホドロフスキーという人についての予習はゼロで挑んだ二作の連続鑑賞、崇拝者の皆様からとってみると不届き極まりない所業であろうとは思われど、そこには抗うすべもない。しかも本作を鑑賞した場所がかつてWaverly Theatreと呼ばれた本作の北米初公開を1973年に16週にわたって、それでいてその内容故に週末の深夜帯でしか上映できなかったというような状況の中開催していた、まさにその場所だったということを後から知り、ますます信者から背後を刺されそうな気分に襲われた次第。今後共「バチあたり」と呼ばれることは覚悟するし、これら作品を今観ている時点で映画人と自称することは今後とも控えようと新たに決意せざるを得なかった…。 鑑賞後に寺山修司監督作品「田園に死す」(1974) を自分の頭のなかで関連付けていたりしていたのだが、時系列的には寺山作品の方が後であってかつ寺山自身が「エル・トポ」を絶賛していたという記述を見つけるにあたり「やはり。」と勝手に満足していた次第。 4月のWeekende Midnight Seriesのスケジュールが発表され、実は1月からのラインナップを繰り返すことになっていたということを知り、ではまたスクリーンで観られるではないか!と歓喜していたのであるが、この二本は確実にここに入る。 前回との心持ちの違いは明白。今後この時間帯にこの場に入るときはWaverly Theatreとして扉を押して入っていくことになるであろうということ![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2016-03-29 02:10:47)《改行有》

3.  パルプ・フィクション 長年実現することのなかったIFC Centerのメンバー入会がなんだかんだで実現することになったのは、Weekend Midnight Seriesのラインナップに本作が含まれていたことか大きな理由のひとつだった。そしてその待望の週末がやってきて… 結局二夜連続で観ちゃったよ…(苦笑) 本作のポスターを初めてみたのは英国滞在時の95年のことであったことを思い出す。当時はその状況とデザインの色合いから英国発の70年代の映画かな…と勝手に想像していたし、それゆえにその黒髪前髪パッツンの女性がUma Thurmanだということには後年しばらく経つまで気づかなかった次第。 そんなこんなでどっぷりの米語を堪能。(Tim Roth除く)ここ十年、自身の聴解力は落ちる一方なのでタランティーノペースには当然ついてゆけるはずもなく、そんなこんなで一夜目の鑑賞と二夜目の鑑賞の間にはまさかの「台本読み」を敢行、ネットで見つけた台本をスマホに移して鑑賞の直前まで読みあさった。あいにく完遂することはできなかったもののやっぱり落としてた肝心なところは多々見つかり、さらなる興味を持って二度目の鑑賞に臨めた次第。二度目以降の鑑賞にはこのパターン、アリかも。 誰かを叱るときにはSamuelの台詞をパクれるよう、がんばって英語上達しよっと![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2016-03-07 15:03:05)《改行有》

4.  ミーン・ストリート As an opening act of the on-going MoMA series, Scorsese Screens. This has been added to the oldest title of Robert De Niro film. Scorsese-De Niro pair moves on to another project three year later Taxi Driver (1976). In between these two, The Godfather Part II (1974) sits there. These are definitely De Niro's first golden era. I learned that his acting skill was consistent from the very beginning period of his carrier. It might be interesting to watch his many of great works in chronological order. It was introduced as as that story line is based on Scorsese's daily life back then. This is a typical moment that I feel that I still need to know more about not-so-long-time-ago history of boroughs around here. Is there a soundtrack of this movie? If there is, I love to listen to it.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 5点(2015-08-31 01:43:26)《改行有》

5.  アバター(2009) Somehow, I was patient enough and have waited five years but it was worth waiting for. I finally had a chance to watch it on the big screen and as a 3D version, in a theater not so crowded and free to choose whatever the best seat. The storyline keeps telling about the idiocy of human race but also keeps asking if you are brave enough to quit being a human being. This would sound like this one is somewhat crossed line version of "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind", here I am referring to the comic version of it, not the movie version. I don't want to easily quit being a man but it can be interpreted as cases when you have been tested how deep you can understand other tribe's values or when you have been treated as a disabled for long enough both mentally and physically. There must be big enough reasons he had to cross the border. If I stay here longer, I would be feeling closer to him in a way. By the time finish watching this title, I have started recognizing James Cameron as a director who can also write.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 8点(2014-06-17 16:14:36)《改行有》

6.  アビス(1989) Through a series named as "See It Big! Science Fiction" at my recently added venue, Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria. When you look at their line up, you would notice that it could be called as "Cameron's and others" because of the frequency of James Cameron Titles. Good thing they did was they picked Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" as the series opener. This pick is helping a lot to balance with heavily Cameronized selections. : ) I was surprised that how little I knew about the actor Michael Biehn. His image with his mustache was very different with the one without. Typical examples are 1) I couldn't notice that he was the father of John Connor, 2) I couldn't notice that he was involved with affair with Sigourney Weaver in Aliens. It looks like tracing back his chronicle would be full of surprises.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-06-17 12:34:38)《改行有》

7.  トゥームレイダー It's been sitting on my mental shelf for long enough period and finally had a chance to be picked. Now this has become AJ's oldest title for me. The best part of this title is being able to watch the daughter and her father at the same time! Neither the story nor the action scenes didn't beat this part, at least for me. Oh! there was another thing I liked about. This shows somewhat sentimental Vaio and Memory Stick era… They were cool back then.[DVD(字幕なし「原語」)] 4点(2014-06-05 11:54:22)《改行有》

8.  3時10分、決断のとき I don't remember exactly when was the first time I realized that Russell Crowe can play a villain perfectly although his Maximus image will haunt him almost forever. Almost same thing can be said to Christian Bale. May be that comes from their bad behavior records in the real world. ; p Anyway, yes, this was a good, old western story shot in 21st century era.[DVD(字幕なし「原語」)] 5点(2014-05-18 08:25:07)《改行有》

9.  マトリックス リローデッド As one of gorgeous line-up of MoMA's "A View from the Vaults: Warner Bros. Today". This title would be the weakest title by itself, in other words, it cannot exist by itself. If a person don't have enough time to watch the 3rd and last one, this one should be skipped. The big difference between the first and the second for me was that "The One" gave me a motive to read through the script but "The Two" didn't while used languages were equally hard to comprehend. While I was reading the cast line-up, I recalled Aaliyah's plane crash accident, which led her role into Nona Gaye's hand. Although her loss itself is a sad thing, Nona Gaye's discovery was a big thing. Another loss I did notice after watching the next one was The Oracle, Gloria Foster. I personally wanted to she her again in the last one. R.I.P...[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 6点(2014-05-13 10:25:45)《改行有》

10.  007/ユア・アイズ・オンリー The opening act is Sheena Easton! There was a scene that Moore Bond starts panting while he climbs up long stretch of stone stairs. My impression was like "Oh, this is the portion they gave up when they switched from George Lazenby to Roger Moore!" Since I already checked Timothy's young, athletic version of Bond, now I understand well why people like Princess Di liked newer version of Bond. Aside from those negative portions, this "three-year-older than Sean" Bond was doing great in this title. I thought "Thunderball" would be the only "water intensive Bond film" but now I know it was wrong. I personally liked Carole Bouquet's mysterious eyes. She was like elder sister of Liv Tyler, at least in my imagination. : )[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 6点(2014-04-30 14:19:43)《改行有》

11.  007/ゴールデンアイ Welcome Pearce Bond! Welcome Judi M!! I believe this is the first Bond title I watched in a movie theatre, yes not in a theater but in a theatre. With the clear image of a stone horse mounted tank running around a Russian city, I couldn't forget the line, "I am invincible!". This should be a proof of me watching this one in real tme, not a subtitled or dubbed one. Having said that, he must be my very first Bond who has been speaking in English all the way from the beginning. Sad things would be I lost much of my listening comprehension skill on British accent and I started talking like an American. : ( One mistake was I believed Judi Dench had been M forever. Sorry, she was a mature lady from the beginning!! : )[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 6点(2014-04-30 13:58:53)《改行有》

12.  007/消されたライセンス The second and, sadly enough, the last title by Timothy Dalton. Although the record says the lowest earned title, I personally believe many people's comment as "the closest ever Bond, to the original novel", even including Princess Di! The opening is shocking enough as usual and it also contains sad and emotional moments, which had been avoided for the last two predecessors, Connery and Moore. I would say they were not good at these kind of things and those who are "matured" audiences had to wait until Dalton shows up. I was somewhat surprised to see my side of preference to watch Pam like Bond Girl, played by Carey Lowell. Another surprise was she is "the better half" of Richard Gere! A personal trivia was the Hemingway House. : ) Since I just watched recently "Hemingway & Gellhorn" (2012), played by Clive Owen and Nicole Kidman, it was fun to watch the past in the past movie, both of them are pretty new to my current daily life.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-30 13:54:00)《改行有》

13.  007/リビング・デイライツ Due to schedule conflict, I ended up landing on this title by skipping whole Roger Moore collections except the very first one. I'm not sure how this order changed reception of Timothy Dalton's image because I'd be one of the person who would have been fed up with Moore's too comedic too old Bond around that time. Dalton declined an offer for Bond role when he was 24 years because he felt he was too young for Bond, then declined again at the age of 34 because he didn't want be Bond like the ones in "Spy Who Loved Me" or "Moonraker" with the fact that their script wasn't ready by that time. I believe he made right decisions as a serious Shakespeare trained actor and that didn't lower his reputation and raised Bond's reputation at the same time. If 34-years-old Timothy would be competing against Daniel Craig, they would be serious contenders for each other. I definitely watch this again after completing series![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-27 22:32:23)《改行有》

14.  バットマン ビギンズ It wasn't too long ago that watching "The Dark Knight Rises" at a theatre during the opening week in 2012. I usually don't pay too much attention to big box office titles but it was one of my friend's idea and I did go anyway. The place was so packed and there was no chance to choose a seat. The only place given to us after waiting at a very long line was... the very front row right in front of a way too big screen. In addition to that, air condition was way too cold... I thought that situation was the most of the reason I couldn't concentrate on many parts of the story. The answer was wrong. I wasn't watching this title... the initiation of Christopher Nolan's trilogy. That was causing the confusion. Thanks to MoMA's effort, now I could watch all three stories within single week. What a treat!! I feel very lucky to be the part of celebration!!![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-21 09:59:11)《改行有》

15.  ローマでアモーレ As an in-flight selection on a returning flight. Another great work by Woody Allen along with his actual physical appearance. At an interview scene in the past, he was answering that the budget is a factor why he has been away from New York City for long time. But watching these recent works shot in various cities in Europe, he definitely has a talent to shoot these places quite beautifully. All these become beautiful and funny when they are mixed with his vast area of witty knowledge. Thanks to the time I spent here in the city, I did become a person who can sense some of tunes from Tosca but the pace of growth is still very slow. This work gave me another insight that there are so many things I need to experience to fully lough out loud while watching his movies. This won't be easy and not many people go that directions but I still want to. This is the big difference between his works and other Disney titles. : )[DVD(字幕なし「原語」)] 6点(2014-04-19 13:34:08)《改行有》

16.  未知との遭遇 《ネタバレ》 As an opening act of another Film Forum series titled as "SON OF SUMMER SCI-FI, FANTASY & HORROR" in 2013. Thanks to the new 35mm print, the color quality was superb! When I didn't understand the first sentence of this title's introduction on their brochure, which was "Five musical notes heard around the world", it has become clear that the fact that I haven't encountered this famous Spielberg title yet. This was released five years ahead of another story directed by him for "all generations". It was for sure that this one was for a bit more matured generations, it jumps around all sort of touchy subjects, such as family, religion, politics, and even psychiatric ones. I can understand whole a lot better now with the knowledge of the actual distance between Indiana and Wyoming. : ) My own trivia was one year younger "Apollo", Carl Weathers, as a military personnel. And also, I believe Vincent Schiavelli, who is famous as a subway ghost, was playing a policeman although he was not in the credit. Do I have to watch this again? Maybe, when I have to search for the importance of this finding. Remember his words whenever you feel an extra terrestrial implanted an image to someone's brain, try sculpting, not just drawing!! Some music skills will also a plus!!! : )[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-16 09:23:03)《改行有》

17.  エイリアン2 Talk about the moment of happiness!! Being able to watch perfectly restored "the original" and "the plural" two weeks in a row is what I am taking about. It must have been tough to choose the right director for "the sequel" but James Cameron was right there with his initial hike at that time, especially when his two year earlier title, "The Terminator", promised his future success. The storyline itself has shifted towards female side and the final round starts with the famous gong: "Get away from her, you bxxxx!" I can guarantee that you will be wide awake until the point 137 minutes later from the beginning![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-16 08:17:53)《改行有》

18.  エイリアン From the line up of Film Forum's "SUMMER FESTIVAL OF FANTASY, HORROR & SCIENCE FICTION" in 2013. It was brought to us as a DCP version and the level of restoration was so high! I felt honored to be able to watch the work in "may be better than the original" condition. The length was almost two hours but I cannot think of that many other "long" movies, which make me forget the sense of time. The high tense of the last half of story lasts until the very end. Sigourney Weaver was at 30 years old when this was released and that was the best timing to shoot this role "Ripley", a young, beautiful, intelligent and yet athletic lady. That also reminds me that the next timing I was impressed by her beauty in 1995 released "Copycat", which is 16 years later from this one! It looks like this was director Ridley Scott's first commercial big success title. By skimming through his list of works, I feel so powerless. There are still too many titles I have to conquer with![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 8点(2014-04-16 08:12:38)《改行有》

19.  ザ・フライ My memory told me that this was a horror movie but that means I was just too young to get the core portion of this script. This title totally can be classified into the genre of love stories or even can be re-written into an opera piece with a right score, if there is such a thing. This kind of my perception tells that I am not that young any more, like when I watched this for the first time when I was still in teenage. : ) The biggest surprise for me after watching this was the fact that Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis have been married together for a short period, more precisely, for three years. This suddenly gave me an inspiration of checking other two titles, before this one and after this one, which they co-stared. I will![映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-10 20:48:01)《改行有》

20.  蝿男の恐怖 I don't remember exactly when I watched '86 Cronenberg version for the first time but I must have watched it as dubbed or Japanese subtitled one. Anyway, I was lucky to be sitting at right in front of a big screen, watching perfectly restored DCP version, and not only that! with double featured with '86 version, too!! Thank you!, Film Forum!!! The first round was this original version. Compared to the one I watched first, it was more like "a family movie", except the way Vincent Price acting mysteriously all the way to the ending. Things in common between two versions were sad feeling and tender feeling. The biggest difference would be the way story is being told. This level of mystery would be higher in this version. The only reason I took away one star would be..... you know... I just needed a bit more larger degree of shock when the covering black cloth was taken away. I can't deny that. Sorry. : p Should I watch other versions between and later of these two? It should be worth doing so.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 4点(2014-04-10 20:38:48)《改行有》


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