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自己紹介 まずは幸運にも劇場で鑑賞できたもの優先につらつらぼちぼち書かせていただきます。とはいえたまには都度鑑賞したDVDものも挟んじゃうかも。

ここ最近足しげく通っている映画館は、Film Forum, MoMA, Japan Society, IFC Center, Lincoln Centerといったところ。


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【製作年 : 2000年代 抽出】 >> 製作年レビュー統計

1.  アバター(2009) Somehow, I was patient enough and have waited five years but it was worth waiting for. I finally had a chance to watch it on the big screen and as a 3D version, in a theater not so crowded and free to choose whatever the best seat. The storyline keeps telling about the idiocy of human race but also keeps asking if you are brave enough to quit being a human being. This would sound like this one is somewhat crossed line version of "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind", here I am referring to the comic version of it, not the movie version. I don't want to easily quit being a man but it can be interpreted as cases when you have been tested how deep you can understand other tribe's values or when you have been treated as a disabled for long enough both mentally and physically. There must be big enough reasons he had to cross the border. If I stay here longer, I would be feeling closer to him in a way. By the time finish watching this title, I have started recognizing James Cameron as a director who can also write.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 8点(2014-06-17 16:14:36)《改行有》

2.  アビエイター My 2nd flight to this master piece as a part of an exhibition held at MoMA, titled as "Dante Ferretti: Designing for the Big Screen". My not-functioning-well-antenna didn't pick up the name "Dante Ferretti" immediately even though I had been exposed to his other recent works as an art director, such as "Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles" (1994), "Gangs of New York" (2002), "Cold Mountain" (2003). I must admit that I wasn't patient enough during my 1st flight over 170 minutes but the 2nd experience was unexpectedly pleasant and comfortable ride. Somebody said that Di Caprio is the hell of good actor when he plays an extremely crazy guy and the fact that I'm getting used to that image would have been the reason I enjoyed all the way through to the ending. Of course, being able to watch this title with a big screen must have boosted my motivation. Can I say my name and the occupation out loud when I am so close to death? Probably not. The volume I can make at that moment would be the size of my life in this real world. Sadly, it's so true.[映画館(字幕なし「原語」)] 7点(2014-04-07 01:46:33)《改行有》

3.  雨あがる 黒澤最後期作品としてなんとなくは知っていたこのタイトル、正しくは企画段階までのぼっていたところ彼が没したため脚本のみが残されたという位置づけだった。黒澤「脚本のみ」作品としては木下惠介監督による「肖像」以来。彼が撮ったらこうなったんではないか…と努力を重ねている感がにじみ出ていたが、時代を問わぬ日本という国の良さを綺麗にその映像と音でまとめてくれていた。木立の間からの鳥や虫の声が心地よく響く。 彼の存命中にキャスティングはどの程度固まっていたのだろうか、wikipediaからはその部分は読み取れないがなかなかの高密度。典型的な殺陣だけにあらず、長尺の剣術鍛錬シーンを見事に演じていたのは寺尾聡。彼の魅力はその柔らかな声とともに思う存分引き出されていたように思う。そしてまぁ、宮崎美子の清々しいこと。この時彼女はいったいいくつだったのだろうと詮索してみると不惑を回っており、そしてその横で出番が少ないながらも輝きを放っていた原田美枝子も彼女と同い年だったときて、その事実に驚愕させらる。個人的には涼子先生と純とのからみが観たかったところではあるが(笑)  ただ三船史郎は声だけが大きかった印象が…。  「なにをしたかではなく、なんのためにしたか。」 是非原作も手にしてみたい。[DVD(邦画)] 6点(2014-05-10 09:23:53)《改行有》


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