Going over all kinds of gossip .. >(続きを読む)
Going over all kinds of gossips regarding how Sean Connery was in and out for the role of 007 around this time was very interesting. This was the "official" last Connery title but I also have to check "unofficial" last Connery in "Never Say Never Again", which was not listed under MoMA's 50 year anniversary event in 2012.
Many articles say this was the beginning of comedic Bond series, which leads to Roger Moor titles. I totally understand after watching "On Her Majesty's Secret Service". It was that serious.
The scenes in Amsterdam were fun to watch because I was reading Dutch related book at the same time. "Plenty" Lana Wood reminded me Courteney Cox right away but the answer towards "Tiffany" Jill St. John wasn't easy one. After spending a couple of days, I came up with a Japanese actress's name, Kumiko Okae, but I am still not sure if that was the right choice or not... I know, nobody cares about such a thing. : )
Wow, she did appear in Seinfeld's "The Yada Yada". I've gotta check it!