Art Theater Guild is List of related works.

Art Theater Guild List of related works
Main person in charge : Distributing agency
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Typhoon Club (1985)Distributing agency6.75 / 10.062
The Funeral (1984)Distributing agency6.23 / 10.094
The Crazy Family (1984)Producer , Distributing agency6.29 / 10.024
Mermaid Legend (1984)Producer , Distributing agency5.71 / 10.014
Farewell to the Ark (1982)Producer , Distributing agency6.16 / 10.012
The Living Koheiji (1982)Producer , Distributing agency7.00 / 10.01
Distant Thunder (1981)Producer , Distributing agency6.66 / 10.018
Disciples of Hippocrates (1980)Producer , Distributing agency7.40 / 10.030
Kenji Mizoguchi:The Life of a Film Director (1975)Distributing agency7.55 / 10.09
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)Distributing agency7.25 / 10.012
DEMONS (1971)Producer , Distributing agency7.00 / 10.01
Eros plus Massacre (1970)Distributing agency4.28 / 10.07
Man Who Left His Will On Film (1970)Producer , Distributing agency0
Funeral Parade of Rose (1969)Producer , Distributing agency7.75 / 10.04
A Man Vanishes (1967)Producer , Distributing agency8.00 / 10.08
Week End (1967)Distributing agency6.57 / 10.07
Loin Du Vietnam (1967)Distributing agency6.00 / 10.06
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)Distributing agency6.36 / 10.058
Who Are You, Polly Magoo? (1966)Distributing agency4.50 / 10.02
Alphaville (1965)Distributing agency6.35 / 10.014
Masculine, Feminine: In 15 Acts (1965)Distributing agency6.11 / 10.09
Cul-de-sac (1965)Distributing agency6.71 / 10.07
The Loved One (1965)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.01
la guerre est finie (1965)Distributing agency6.66 / 10.03
Patriotism (1965)Distributing agency6.50 / 10.02
Balthazar (1964)Distributing agency6.38 / 10.018
Eight And A Haf[米]/Federico Fellini's 8 1/2[米] (1963)Distributing agency6.90 / 10.080
Muriel Ou Le Temps D'Un Retour (1963)Distributing agency5.00 / 10.01
The Trial of Joan of Arc (1962)Distributing agency6.66 / 10.03
The Long Absence[米] (1960)Distributing agency6.33 / 10.018

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