Pioneer LDC is List of related works.

Pioneer LDC List of related works
Main person in charge : Distributing agency
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Pandora's Box (2009)Producer 6.45 / 10.011
Children of the Dark (2008)Producer 5.48 / 10.045
Toad's Oil (2008)Producer 4.33 / 10.06
heaven can wait. maybe.... (2007)Producer 4.66 / 10.06
SUKIYAKI WESTERN DJANGO (2007)Producer 4.91 / 10.047
Sad Vacation (2007)Producer 6.27 / 10.018
Happily Ever After (2007)Producer 6.25 / 10.075
Midnight Eagle (2007)Producer 3.98 / 10.050
The Shadow Spirit (2007)Producer 4.82 / 10.050
ARCTIC TALE (2007)Other Crew5.25 / 10.04
Midnight Sun (2006)Producer 6.62 / 10.066
A Cheerful Gang Turns The Earth (2006)Producer 4.13 / 10.037
Waiting in the Dark (2006)Producer 6.35 / 10.039
Basic Instinct 2 (2006)Other Crew3.06 / 10.015
The Kiss (2006)Other Crew6.75 / 10.016
BLINDSIGHT (2006)Other Crew0
PRINCESS RACCOON (2005)Producer 5.22 / 10.036
Summer of Ubume (2005)Producer 4.33 / 10.060
Aegis (2005)Producer 5.10 / 10.0142
The Samurai I Loved (2005)Producer 5.72 / 10.059
A Heartful of Love (2005)Producer 4.65 / 10.023
Saints-Martyrs-des-Damnés (2005)Other Crew5.14 / 10.07
LOFT (2005)Producer 5.04 / 10.024
Severed (2005)Other Crew5.71 / 10.07
APPLESEED (2004)Producer 5.83 / 10.068
Legend of Nin Nin Ninja Hattori (2004)Producer 4.82 / 10.034
All About My Dog (2004)Producer 6.36 / 10.047
The Grudge (2003)Producer 4.07 / 10.0173
The Grudge 2 (2003)Producer 4.68 / 10.072
Tattoo (2002)Other Crew4.80 / 10.05

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