William A. Fraker is List of related works.

William A. Fraker List of related works
Main person in charge : Cinematographer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Director's Cut Edition (2002)Cinematographer6.33 / 10.06
Town & Country (2001)Cinematographer4.87 / 10.08
Rules of Engagement (2000)Cinematographer5.21 / 10.0111
Vegas Vacation (1997)Cinematographer6.00 / 10.08
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)Cinematographer2.90 / 10.054
Father of the Bride Part II (1995)Cinematographer6.16 / 10.06
Street Fighter (1994)Cinematographer2.29 / 10.0121
Tombstone (1993)Cinematographer, Producer 6.55 / 10.027
Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992)Cinematographer5.57 / 10.035
Honeymoon In Vegas (1992)Cinematographer5.40 / 10.05
The Freshman (1990)Cinematographer5.36 / 10.011
Chances Are (1989)Cinematographer7.92 / 10.013
Baby Boom (1987)Cinematographer6.46 / 10.015
SpaceCamp (1986)Cinematographer6.72 / 10.022
Murphy's Romance (1985)Cinematographer0
Protocol (1984)Cinematographer6.14 / 10.07
Irreconcilable Differences (1984)Actor, Cinematographer3.00 / 10.01
WarGames (1983)Cinematographer6.69 / 10.076
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (1982)Cinematographer0
SHARKY'S MACHINE (1982)Cinematographer7.54 / 10.011
Close Encounters of the Third Kind : The Special Edition (1980)Cinematographer5.52 / 10.017
1941 (1979)Cinematographer6.08 / 10.062
Heaven Can Wait (1978)Cinematographer7.68 / 10.0110
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)Cinematographer6.73 / 10.0192
Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)Cinematographer6.60 / 10.023
Exorcist II:The Heretic (1977)Cinematographer4.34 / 10.066
Lipstick (1976)Cinematographer5.62 / 10.08
Gator (1976)Cinematographer5.00 / 10.01
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975)Cinematographer7.67 / 10.0383
The Day of the Dolphin (1973)Cinematographer6.93 / 10.029

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
50th(1977 year) Best Cinematography Looking for Mr. Goodbar Nomination
51th(1978 year) Best Cinematography Heaven Can Wait Nomination
52th(1979 year) Best Cinematography 1941 Nomination
52th(1979 year) Visual Effects 1941 Nomination
56th(1983 year) Best Cinematography WarGames Nomination
58th(1985 year) Best Cinematography Murphy's Romance Nomination
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