Yoshito Yasuhara is List of works performed.

Yoshito Yasuhara List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Casino Royale (1967)Voice Artist5.50 / 10.034
Days of Vengeance (1967)Voice Artist5.62 / 10.08
Goldfinger (1964)Voice Artist6.51 / 10.082
A Shot in the Dark (1964)Voice Artist5.44 / 10.09
The Great Escape (1963)Voice Artist8.25 / 10.0357
Paris - When It Sizzles (1963)Voice Artist5.00 / 10.033
West Side Story (1961)Voice Artist7.13 / 10.0172
One Hundred And One Dalmatians (1961)Voice Artist6.43 / 10.023
Vertigo (1958)Voice Artist6.77 / 10.0142
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)Voice Artist7.20 / 10.0145
Il Ferroviere (1956)Voice Artist7.78 / 10.046
Romeo and Juliet (1954)Voice Artist6.85 / 10.07
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)Voice Artist6.46 / 10.013
Roman Holiday (1953)Voice Artist8.42 / 10.0456
Dumbo (1941)Voice Artist7.46 / 10.052

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