Cinema International Corporation is List of related works.

Cinema International Corporation List of related works
Main person in charge : Distributing agency
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Whose Life Is It Anyway? (1981)Distributing agency0
Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)Distributing agency7.71 / 10.032
Ordinary People (1980)Distributing agency7.37 / 10.0110
Fame (1980)Distributing agency7.17 / 10.034
The Hunter (1980)Distributing agency6.30 / 10.033
Somewhere In Time (1980)Distributing agency7.36 / 10.0113
Airplane! (1980)Distributing agency6.96 / 10.030
Little Darlings (1980)Distributing agency5.45 / 10.011
American Gigolo (1980)Distributing agency5.15 / 10.013
Urban Cowboy (1980)Distributing agency5.00 / 10.05
The Island (1980)Distributing agency6.66 / 10.03
Escape From Alcatraz (1979)Distributing agency7.50 / 10.0153
The Seduction of Joe Tynan (1979)Distributing agency0
Bloodline (1979)Distributing agency4.50 / 10.06
Starting Over (1979)Distributing agency4.25 / 10.04
The Electric Horseman (1979)Distributing agency6.20 / 10.05
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)Distributing agency6.32 / 10.034
The Warriors (1979)Distributing agency6.86 / 10.029
THE JERK (1979)Distributing agency6.00 / 10.06
Nijinsky (1979)Distributing agency8.00 / 10.01
North Dallas Forty (1979)Distributing agency0
Jaws 2 (1978)Distributing agency5.08 / 10.059
Heaven Can Wait (1978)Distributing agency7.68 / 10.0110
Pretty Baby (1978)Distributing agency6.31 / 10.019
Oliver's Story (1978)Distributing agency5.00 / 10.04
Day of Heaven (1978)Distributing agency6.45 / 10.040
Foul Play (1978)Distributing agency7.37 / 10.029
The Wiz (1978)Distributing agency6.31 / 10.016
Grease (1978)Distributing agency6.27 / 10.051
Gray Lady Down (1978)Distributing agency5.54 / 10.011

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