Osamu Saka is List of works performed.

Osamu Saka List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)Voice Artist6.59 / 10.0143
Last Action Hero (1993)Voice Artist5.74 / 10.0146
HOT SHOTS! PART DEUX (1993)Voice Artist6.30 / 10.050
ARMY OF DARKNESS (1993)Voice Artist6.33 / 10.057
Sliver (1993)Voice Artist3.28 / 10.075
Nowhere to Run (1993)Voice Artist6.34 / 10.023
Day of Atoment (1993)Voice Artist2.00 / 10.01
TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY/SPECIAL EDITION (1993)Voice Artist8.60 / 10.094
Ninja Scroll (1993)Voice Artist7.37 / 10.08
Under Siege (1992)Voice Artist6.05 / 10.0133
Unlawful Entry (1992)Voice Artist6.65 / 10.046
Hoffa (1992)Voice Artist6.66 / 10.09
The Bodyguard (1992)Voice Artist5.45 / 10.0180
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)Voice Artist7.38 / 10.072
The Babe (1992)Voice Artist5.75 / 10.020
Porco rosso (1992)Voice Artist7.35 / 10.0422
The Distinguished Gentleman (1992)Voice Artist5.33 / 10.024
Passenger 57 (1992)Voice Artist5.75 / 10.029
Freejack (1992)Voice Artist4.27 / 10.011
Article 99 (1992)Voice Artist4.50 / 10.04
Aces: Iron Eagle III (1992)Voice Artist6.33 / 10.03
JFK (1991)Voice Artist7.27 / 10.0150
TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991)Voice Artist8.56 / 10.0615
For The Boys (1991)Voice Artist7.47 / 10.021
Rambling Rose (1991)Voice Artist6.36 / 10.011
Hot Shots! (1991)Voice Artist5.69 / 10.062
Guilty by Suspicion (1991)Voice Artist7.18 / 10.032
Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot (1991)Voice Artist5.16 / 10.06
The Godfather: Part III (1990)Voice Artist7.33 / 10.0227
Dances with Wolves (1990)Voice Artist7.25 / 10.0143

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