TOKYO LABORATORY LTD. is List of related works.

TOKYO LABORATORY LTD. List of related works
Main person in charge : Other Crew
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
GODZILLA'S REVENGE (1969)Other Crew3.25 / 10.016
Young Guy in Rio (1968)Other Crew5.00 / 10.03
Giant Monster Mid-Air Battle: Gamera vs. Gyaos (1967)Other Crew5.95 / 10.022
KING KONG ESCAPES (1967)Other Crew6.64 / 10.017
Son of Godzilla (1967)Other Crew5.68 / 10.019
GODZILLA VS THE SEA MONSTER (1966)Other Crew5.03 / 10.028
MONSTER ZERO (1965)Other Crew5.80 / 10.031
GODZILLA VS THE THING (1964)Other Crew6.63 / 10.047
GHIDRA,THE THREE-HEADED MONSTER (1964)Other Crew7.09 / 10.032
Dagora, the Space Monster (1964)Other Crew5.43 / 10.016
An Autumn Afternoon (1962)Other Crew7.37 / 10.075
GORATH (1962)Other Crew6.65 / 10.038
The End of Summer (1961)Other Crew7.10 / 10.029
Late Autumn (1960)Other Crew7.35 / 10.037
Good Morning / Ohayo (1959)Other Crew7.30 / 10.050
The Makioka Sisters (1959)Other Crew7.00 / 10.02
Equinox Flower (1958)Other Crew7.83 / 10.043
Tokyo Twilight (1957)Other Crew6.96 / 10.029
Early Spring (1956)Other Crew7.28 / 10.028
Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice (1952)Other Crew6.85 / 10.034
Kagamijishi (1936)Other Crew5.33 / 10.06

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