Michio Hazama is List of works performed.

Michio Hazama List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Kenny (1987)Voice Artist6.50 / 10.02
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)Voice Artist6.90 / 10.044
Crocodile Dundee (1986)Voice Artist6.59 / 10.064
Short Circuit (1986)Voice Artist6.89 / 10.038
Amazing Stories (1986)Voice Artist5.47 / 10.023
Cobra (1986)Voice Artist4.67 / 10.081
iThree Amigos! (1986)Voice Artist7.29 / 10.094
52 Pick-Up (1986)Voice Artist3.00 / 10.01
Rocky IV (1985)Voice Artist6.28 / 10.0158
Young Sherlock Holmes (1985)Voice Artist6.42 / 10.040
Rambo:First Blood Part II (1985)Voice Artist6.32 / 10.0141
Santa Claus (1985)Voice Artist4.28 / 10.07
Fright Night (1985)Voice Artist5.96 / 10.028
The A-Team: Judgement Day (1985)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.01
The A-Team: Body Slam (1985)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.02
MY LUCKY STAR (1985)Voice Artist6.46 / 10.015
Amadeus (1984)Voice Artist8.37 / 10.0380
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)Voice Artist7.52 / 10.0292
Ghost Busters (1984)Voice Artist6.07 / 10.0193
2010 (1984)Voice Artist6.31 / 10.083
The Woman in Red (1984)Voice Artist4.83 / 10.06
City Heat (1984)Voice Artist4.91 / 10.024
The A-Team: The Bend in the River (1984)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.01
Trading Places (1983)Voice Artist6.48 / 10.086
Octopussy (1983)Voice Artist5.94 / 10.039
Blue Thunder (1983)Voice Artist6.76 / 10.063
Cannonball Run II (1983)Voice Artist4.06 / 10.033
Never Say Never Again (1983)Voice Artist5.13 / 10.038
The A-Team: When You Comin' Back, Range Rider? (1983)Voice Artist7.00 / 10.04
The A-Team: Mexican Slayride (1983)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.02

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