Sokotsuya is List of works performed.

Sokotsuya List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997)Voice Artist4.42 / 10.07
The Brave (1997)Voice Artist5.15 / 10.046
Jerry Maguire (1996)Voice Artist7.05 / 10.0184
The Rock (1996)Voice Artist7.83 / 10.0447
Twister (1996)Voice Artist5.64 / 10.0216
The People vs.Larry Flynt (1996)Voice Artist6.23 / 10.046
Trainspotting (1996)Voice Artist6.83 / 10.0329
Sleepers (1996)Voice Artist6.04 / 10.0192
The Spitfire Grill (1996)Voice Artist7.19 / 10.0218
White Squall (1996)Voice Artist6.63 / 10.072
Courage Under Fire (1996)Voice Artist5.87 / 10.0132
The Cable Guy (1996)Voice Artist5.50 / 10.062
Basquiat (1996)Voice Artist5.37 / 10.037
Screamers (1996)Voice Artist5.90 / 10.021
SHANGHAI GRAND (1996)Voice Artist5.20 / 10.05
The Beast (1996)Voice Artist2.88 / 10.09
Titanic (1996)Voice Artist5.60 / 10.05
Danger Zone (1996)Voice Artist5.00 / 10.01
Kansas City (1996)Voice Artist6.50 / 10.02
2103: The Deadly Wake (1996)Voice Artist3.00 / 10.01
The American President (1995)Voice Artist6.82 / 10.041
Crimson Tide (1995)Voice Artist7.39 / 10.0179
Restoration (1995)Voice Artist4.90 / 10.011
SE7EN (1995)Voice Artist7.62 / 10.0640
Don Juan DeMarco (1995)Voice Artist6.71 / 10.057
Murder in the First (1995)Voice Artist8.15 / 10.0310
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995)Voice Artist6.90 / 10.041
Bad Boys (1995)Voice Artist5.62 / 10.0128
Desperado (1995)Voice Artist6.80 / 10.0180
Mallrats (1995)Voice Artist6.50 / 10.06

© 1997 JTNEWS