Yoko Soumi is List of works performed.

Yoko Soumi List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Armageddon (1998)Voice Artist5.25 / 10.0755
The Usual Suspects (1995)Voice Artist7.48 / 10.0547
Gladiator (2000)Voice Artist7.40 / 10.0546
Forrest Gump (1994)Voice Artist7.37 / 10.0504
Memento (2000)Voice Artist7.04 / 10.0484
Porco rosso (1992)Voice Artist7.35 / 10.0422
SPEED (1994)Voice Artist7.36 / 10.0384
CHARLIE'S ANGELS (2000)Voice Artist6.06 / 10.0374
SPIDER-MAN 2 (2004)Voice Artist7.12 / 10.0364
The Bourne Identity (2002)Voice Artist6.24 / 10.0346
The Negotiator (1998)Voice Artist7.06 / 10.0310
Rain Man (1988)Voice Artist7.40 / 10.0308
SCENT OF A WOMAN (1992)Voice Artist7.92 / 10.0294
JURASSIC PARK III (2001)Voice Artist5.29 / 10.0271
Backdraft (1991)Voice Artist7.24 / 10.0266
Gone with the Wind (1939)Voice Artist7.58 / 10.0260
As Good as It Gets (1997)Voice Artist7.44 / 10.0257
Contact (1997)Voice Artist6.91 / 10.0255
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)Voice Artist5.99 / 10.0223
Cliffhanger (1993)Voice Artist5.93 / 10.0215
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)Voice Artist6.52 / 10.0202
Unforgiven (1992)Voice Artist6.76 / 10.0201
Taxi (1998)Voice Artist5.93 / 10.0201
The Talented Mr.Ripley (1999)Voice Artist5.85 / 10.0195
Taxi 2 (2000)Voice Artist5.51 / 10.0191
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)Voice Artist7.47 / 10.0188
Jerry Maguire (1996)Voice Artist7.05 / 10.0184
The Sum of All Fears (2002)Voice Artist4.85 / 10.0184
The Third Man (1949)Voice Artist7.53 / 10.0182
Blade (1998)Voice Artist6.21 / 10.0174

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