Joseph Fiennes is List of works performed.

Joseph Fiennes List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Escapist (2008)Actor8.00 / 10.03
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)Voice Artist7.50 / 10.04
The Darwin Awards (2006)Actor7.08 / 10.024
Luther (2003)Actor7.00 / 10.01
Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence (1998)Actor6.71 / 10.014
Leo (2002)Actor6.66 / 10.012
GOODBYE BAFANA (2007)Actor6.62 / 10.016
Shakespeare in Love (1998)Actor6.51 / 10.0277
Elizabeth (1998)Actor6.28 / 10.0143
Enemy at the Gates (2001)Actor6.26 / 10.0269
The Great Raid (2005)Actor6.00 / 10.01
The Merchant of Venice (2004)Actor5.96 / 10.030
Dust (2001)Actor5.86 / 10.015
Forever Mine (1999)Actor5.33 / 10.03
Hercules (2014)Actor5.22 / 10.09
Killing Me Softly (2001)Actor4.68 / 10.0111
Stealing Beauty (1996)Actor4.52 / 10.038
Der rote Baron (2008)Actor4.50 / 10.08
RUNNING WITH SCISSORS (2006)Actor3.40 / 10.05
Strangerland (2015)Actor3.00 / 10.01

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