Dominic Frontiere is List of related works.

Dominic Frontiere List of related works
Main person in charge : Original music
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Charade (1963)Original music 7.31 / 10.096
Color of Night (1994)Original music , Other Crew4.53 / 10.032
Hang'Em High (1968)Original music 5.41 / 10.017
The Train Robbers (1973)Original music 5.15 / 10.013
The Stunt Man (1980)Original music 7.22 / 10.09
Chisum (1970)Original music 5.57 / 10.07
The Gumball Rally (1976)Original music 6.28 / 10.07
Barquero (1969)Original music 5.40 / 10.05
Brannigan (1975)Original music 6.80 / 10.05
The Ghost of Sierra de Cobre (1964)Original music 5.75 / 10.04
ON ANY SUNDAY (1971)Original music 8.00 / 10.01
Defiance (1980)Original music 8.00 / 10.01
Seven Thieves (1960)Original music 7.00 / 10.01

Golden Globe Awards

Year Department Title Name
38th(1980 year) Best Original Score - Motion Picture Charade Winner
52th(1994 year) Best Original SONG - Motion Picture Color of Night Nomination
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