Nat King Cole/Nat 'King' Cole is List of related works.

Nat King Cole/Nat 'King' Cole List of related works
Main person in charge : Insertion music
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022)Insertion music6.85 / 10.07
The First Monday In May (2016)Insertion music6.50 / 10.02
Joy (2015)Insertion music5.55 / 10.09
My Week with Marilyn (2011)Insertion music5.80 / 10.010
Watchmen (2009)Insertion music6.07 / 10.092
The Climbers High (2008)Insertion music5.55 / 10.0112
Catch Me If You Can (2002)Insertion music7.07 / 10.0466
He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not (2002)Insertion music7.52 / 10.073
The Majestic (2001)Insertion music6.78 / 10.0227
In the Mood for Love (2000)Insertion music6.20 / 10.075
Liberty Heights (1999)Insertion music7.50 / 10.02
The Parent Trap (1998)Insertion music7.51 / 10.076
Primary Colors (1998)Insertion music6.00 / 10.030
Three Wishes (1995)Insertion music5.66 / 10.06
Sleepless in Seattle (1993)Insertion music6.27 / 10.0156
Groundhog Day (1993)Insertion music7.54 / 10.0122
Guilty by Suspicion (1991)Insertion music7.18 / 10.032
Quick Change (1990)Insertion music0
The World According to Garp (1982)Insertion music6.87 / 10.0106
Raging Bull (1980)Insertion music6.65 / 10.0114
Badlands (1973)Insertion music6.39 / 10.023
Cat Ballou (1965)Actor5.71 / 10.014
Raintree County (1957)Insertion music10.00 / 10.01
The Blue Gardenia (1953)Actor, Theme Song6.00 / 10.01

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