Edward R. Pressman is List of related works.

Edward R. Pressman List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015)Producer 6.33 / 10.09
THE MOTH DIARIES (2011)Executive Producer3.50 / 10.02
WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS (2010)Producer 5.13 / 10.044
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans (2009)Producer 5.79 / 10.029
MUTANT CHRONICLES (2008)Producer 4.50 / 10.04
FUR: AN IMAGINARY PORTRAIT OF DIANE ARBUS (2006)Executive Producer6.33 / 10.06
SISTERS (2006)Producer 4.00 / 10.01
Amazing Grace (2006)Producer 7.57 / 10.014
Thank You for Smoking (2005)Executive Producer6.25 / 10.039
The King (2005)Executive Producer5.33 / 10.03
Party Monster (2003)Executive Producer5.10 / 10.010
Happy Time/Happy Times (2002)Executive Producer6.60 / 10.056
American Psycho (2000)Producer 5.55 / 10.0135
The Crow: Salvation (2000)Producer 2.00 / 10.01
Black and White (1999)Executive Producer4.75 / 10.04
Legionnaire (1998)Producer 4.58 / 10.012
NEW ROSE HOTEL (1998)Producer 2.00 / 10.01
Two Girls And A Guy (1997)Producer 3.25 / 10.04
The Blackout (1997)Producer 2.50 / 10.02
City Hall (1996)Producer 6.06 / 10.033
The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)Producer 2.90 / 10.054
The Crow: City of Angels (1996)Producer 3.00 / 10.02
Judge Dredd (1995)Executive Producer3.65 / 10.085
Street Fighter (1994)Actor, Producer 2.29 / 10.0121
The Crow (1994)Producer 7.44 / 10.054
Dream Lover (1993)Executive Producer6.13 / 10.022
Hoffa (1992)Producer 6.66 / 10.09
Storyville (1992)Producer 3.00 / 10.04
BAD LIEUTENANT (1992)Producer 6.66 / 10.03
Iron Maze (1991)Executive Producer4.00 / 10.03

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