Chris Moore is List of related works.

Chris Moore List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Manchester by the Sea (2016)Producer 7.26 / 10.034
Good Will Hunting (1997)Producer 7.17 / 10.0362
AMERICAN PIE 2 (2001)Producer 7.12 / 10.054
Promised Land (2012)Producer 6.60 / 10.015
Joy Ride (2001)Producer 6.45 / 10.060
Stolen Summer (2002)Producer 6.45 / 10.024
Glory Daze (1996)Producer 5.59 / 10.05
Reindeer Games (2000)Producer 5.31 / 10.086
Feast (2006)Executive Producer5.21 / 10.028
Best Laid Plans (1999)Producer 5.11 / 10.09
The Adjustment Bureau (2011)Producer 4.83 / 10.054
The Third Wheel (2001)Producer 4.42 / 10.07

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