Cathy Moriarty is List of works performed.

Cathy Moriarty List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Patti Cake$ (2017)Actress7.00 / 10.01
The Double (2013)Actress7.33 / 10.03
Analyze That (2002)Actress5.66 / 10.051
Gloria (1999)Actress4.38 / 10.039
But I'm a Cheerleader (1999)Actress3.88 / 10.09
RED TEAM (1999)Actress4.00 / 10.02
Digging to China (1998)Actress5.81 / 10.032
Crazy In Alabama (1998)Actress6.28 / 10.07
CASPER MEETS WENDY (1998)Actress4.00 / 10.01
Cop Land (1997)Actress4.70 / 10.075
Hugo Pool (1996)Actress5.33 / 10.03
Casper (1995)Actress5.36 / 10.090
Forget Paris (1995)Actress7.43 / 10.016
Pontiac Moon (1994)Actress7.50 / 10.02
Matinee (1993)Actress7.71 / 10.021
Another Stakeout (1993)Actress4.72 / 10.018
The Mambo Kings (1992)Actress6.75 / 10.04
Soapdish (1991)Actress6.00 / 10.07
Kindergarten Cop (1990)Actress5.93 / 10.080
Neighbors (1981)Actress2.83 / 10.06
Raging Bull (1980)Actress6.65 / 10.0114

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
53th(1980 year) Best Supporting Actress Raging Bull Nomination

Golden Globe Awards

Year Department Title Name
38th(1980 year) Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture Raging Bull Nomination
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