Tohorokuon Center is List of related works.

Tohorokuon Center List of related works
Main person in charge : Sound Department
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
JIN ROH:THE WOLF BRIGADE (2000)Sound Department6.60 / 10.093
DREAMS (1990)Other Crew5.82 / 10.075
GODZILLA VS. BIOLLANTE (1989)Other Crew6.91 / 10.090
Gunhed (1989)Other Crew4.64 / 10.014
Ran (1985)Other Crew6.67 / 10.0102
GODZILLA 1985 (1984)Other Crew5.03 / 10.062
BYE BYE JUPITER (1984)Sound Department1.66 / 10.024
Muddy River (1981)Sound Department7.97 / 10.042
Kagemusha Shadow Warrior (1980)Sound Department6.11 / 10.093
BLOOD TYPE:BLUE (1978)Sound Department4.73 / 10.019
HINOTORI (1978)Sound Department3.40 / 10.05
THE WAR IN SPACE (1977)Sound Department2.76 / 10.013
GODZILLA VS THE BIONIC MONSTER (1974)Sound Department5.64 / 10.025
LAKE OF DRACULA (1971)Sound Department5.75 / 10.04

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