Gabriella Pescucci is List of related works.

Gabriella Pescucci List of related works
Main person in charge : Costume Designer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Agora (2009)Costume Designer6.72 / 10.022
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)Costume Designer6.49 / 10.0316
THE BROTHERS GRIMM (2005)Costume Designer5.08 / 10.095
Van Helsing (2004)Costume Designer5.43 / 10.0180
Lost In La Mancha (2002)Other Cast6.14 / 10.035
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)Costume Designer4.82 / 10.017
Les Misérables (1998)Costume Designer7.33 / 10.078
A Destiny of Her Own (1998)Costume Designer6.83 / 10.037
Cousin Bette (1998)Costume Designer6.66 / 10.03
Marcel Proust's Time Regained (1998)Costume Designer5.00 / 10.02
The Scarlet Letter (1995)Costume Designer5.30 / 10.026
The Age Of Innocence (1993)Costume Designer6.06 / 10.029
Indochina (1992)Costume Designer6.90 / 10.021
Che Ora E? (1989)Costume Designer7.28 / 10.07
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)Costume Designer6.38 / 10.055
The family (1987)Costume Designer6.00 / 10.01
The Name Of The Roses (1986)Costume Designer6.92 / 10.092
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)Costume Designer7.50 / 10.0156
ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA (1984)Costume Designer7.96 / 10.025
CITY OF WOMEN (1980)Costume Designer5.88 / 10.09
PASSION D'AMOURE (1980)Costume Designer6.00 / 10.04
'Tis Pity She's a Whore (1971)Costume Designer7.25 / 10.04

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
62th(1989 year) Costume Design The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Nomination
66th(1993 year) Costume Design The Age Of Innocence Winner
78th(2005 year) Costume Design Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Nomination
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