Dreamworks is List of related works.

Dreamworks List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Galaxy Quest (1999)Producer 7.93 / 10.0297
The Help (2011)Producer 7.60 / 10.053
Just Like Heaven (2005)Producer 7.53 / 10.032
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003)Production7.50 / 10.04
Need for Speed (2014)Producer 7.42 / 10.07
Gladiator (2000)Producer 7.40 / 10.0546
A Beautiful Mind (2001)Producer 7.13 / 10.0370
American Beauty (1999)Producer 7.00 / 10.0489
Real Steel (2011)Producer 6.98 / 10.082
Saving Private Ryan (1998)Producer 6.95 / 10.0623
The Last Castle (2001)Producer 6.91 / 10.024
Munich (2005)Producer 6.91 / 10.0142
Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)Producer 6.90 / 10.0237
The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001)Producer , Distributing agency6.87 / 10.047
War Horse (2011)Producer 6.86 / 10.060
Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! (2004)Producer 6.85 / 10.07
Flags of Our Fathers (2006)Producer 6.82 / 10.0149
She's the Man (2006)Producer 6.77 / 10.09
The Pacific (2010)Producer 6.75 / 10.04
Red Eye (2005)Producer 6.74 / 10.047
Up in the Air (2009)Producer 6.69 / 10.089
The Kite Runner (2007)Producer 6.68 / 10.019
Mousehunt (1997)Producer 6.61 / 10.062
Memoirs of a Geisha (2005)Producer 6.60 / 10.095
Dreamgirls (2006)Producer 6.58 / 10.0134
Cast Away (2000)Producer 6.55 / 10.0389
Seabiscuit (2003)Producer 6.55 / 10.0197
Shrek (2001)Production6.46 / 10.0225
Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005)Producer 6.41 / 10.017
Shrek 2 (2004)Production6.38 / 10.095

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