Bitters End, inc is List of related works.

Bitters End, inc List of related works
Main person in charge : Distributing agency
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
No Man's Land (2001)Distributing agency7.32 / 10.0162
Linda Linda Linda (2005)Producer , Distributing agency6.81 / 10.0131
Parasite (2019)Distributing agency6.72 / 10.0112
Mother (2009)Distributing agency7.25 / 10.088
Don't Look Up (1996)Distributing agency5.50 / 10.081
All Around Us (2008)Producer , Distributing agency7.02 / 10.068
Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)Distributing agency7.82 / 10.063
Breathless (2008)Distributing agency7.37 / 10.059
Any Day Now (2012)Distributing agency6.98 / 10.053
Drive My Car (2021)Producer , Distributing agency6.68 / 10.048
Snowpiercer (2013)Distributing agency5.83 / 10.042
Oppenheimer (2023)Distributing agency6.34 / 10.041
Screwed (1998)Distributing agency5.58 / 10.039
Ramblers (2003)Production, Other Crew, Distributing agency6.92 / 10.038
The Child (2005)Distributing agency6.35 / 10.034
Manchester by the Sea (2016)Distributing agency7.26 / 10.034
The Son (2002)Distributing agency7.06 / 10.030
Rosetta (1999)Distributing agency6.03 / 10.028
Three Colours: Blue (1993)Distributing agency5.62 / 10.027
The Kid with a Bike (2011)Distributing agency6.42 / 10.026
Perfect Days (2023)Distributing agency7.29 / 10.024
Still Life (2006)Other Crew, Distributing agency6.04 / 10.021
What the Snow Brings (2005)Producer , Distributing agency6.75 / 10.020
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)Distributing agency7.05 / 10.019
TOKYO! (2008)Distributing agency6.00 / 10.019
Jyukai: The Sea of Trees Behind Mt. Fuji (2004)Distributing agency6.61 / 10.018
Soul Kitchen (2009)Distributing agency6.38 / 10.018
The Land of Hope (2012)Producer , Distributing agency5.88 / 10.017
Backwater (2013)Producer 5.87 / 10.016
Helpless (1996)Production, Distributing agency6.40 / 10.015

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