Grace Kelly is List of works performed.

Grace Kelly List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Rear Window (1954)Actress7.17 / 10.0238
Dial M for Murder (1954)Actress6.97 / 10.0104
High Noon (1952)Actress6.71 / 10.067
To Catch a Thief (1955)Actress5.60 / 10.063
High Society (1956)Actress6.11 / 10.018
The Country Girl (1954)Actress6.66 / 10.015
That's Entertainment, PartII (1976)Other Cast7.66 / 10.012
The Bridge at Toko-ri (1954)Actress6.37 / 10.08
Mogambo (1953)Actress8.00 / 10.04
Monte Carlo (2011)Other Cast5.66 / 10.03
The Swan (1956)Actress7.50 / 10.02
Notre Dame de la Croisette (1981)Other Cast6.00 / 10.02

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
26th(1953 year) Best Supporting Actress Mogambo Nomination
27th(1954 year) Performance by an actress in a leading role High Society Winner

Golden Globe Awards

Year Department Title Name
11th(1953 year) Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Motion Picture Mogambo Winner
12th(1954 year) Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama High Society Winner
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