Takayuki Suzuki is List of works performed.

Takayuki Suzuki List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Onion Movie (2008)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.05
DEAD MEN WALKING (2005)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.08
NEW POLICE STORY (2004)Voice Artist7.01 / 10.093
In Enemy Hands (2004)Voice Artist5.79 / 10.015
HIDDEN AGENDA (1999)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.01
The Mighty Peking Man (1977)Special Effects6.63 / 10.011
The Bridge at Remagen (1969)Voice Artist6.94 / 10.017
I Confess (1953)Voice Artist6.71 / 10.028
Stage Fright (1950)Voice Artist6.35 / 10.014
Notorious (1946)Voice Artist6.60 / 10.040
Spellbound (1945)Voice Artist6.43 / 10.044
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)Voice Artist6.46 / 10.050
For Whom The Bell Tolls (1943)Voice Artist5.70 / 10.041
You Can't Take It With You (1938)Voice Artist6.96 / 10.032

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