Osamu Kamei is List of related works.

Osamu Kamei List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Always - Sunset on Third Street (2005)Producer 7.15 / 10.0299
Kamikaze Girls (2004)Producer 7.33 / 10.0271
AZUMI (2003)Producer 4.50 / 10.0203
Japan Sinks (2006)Producer 3.99 / 10.0141
Always - Sunset on Third Street2 (2007)Producer 7.15 / 10.0126
Space Battleship Yamato (2010)Producer 4.47 / 10.0116
Twentieth Century Boys: Chapter One (2008)Producer 5.04 / 10.0112
Tekkonkinkreet (2006)Producer(2)6.41 / 10.097
ZEBRAMAN (2004)Producer 5.12 / 10.090
Cyborg She (2008)Producer 5.82 / 10.087
Robot Contest (2003)Producer 5.89 / 10.075
Limit of Love: Sea Monkey (2006)Producer 5.39 / 10.074
Twentieth Century Boys: Chapter Two - The Last Hope (2009)Producer 4.17 / 10.070
Always - Sunset on Third Street 1964 (2011)Producer 6.78 / 10.065
Twentieth Century Boys: The Last Chapter - Our Flag (2009)Producer 4.44 / 10.061
Forbidden Siren (2006)Producer 4.45 / 10.060
K-20: Legend of the Mask (2008)Producer 5.81 / 10.055
AZUMI 2: Death or Love (2004)Producer 4.16 / 10.043
The Last Princess (2008)Producer 4.82 / 10.041
Heaven's Bookstore (2004)Producer 5.33 / 10.039
Ballad (2009)Producer 5.23 / 10.039
Platonic Sex (2001)Planer4.08 / 10.034
Legend of Nin Nin Ninja Hattori (2004)Producer 4.82 / 10.034
Last Operations Under the Orion (2009)Producer 5.37 / 10.032
A Heartful of Love (2005)Producer 4.65 / 10.023
Sand Chronicles (2008)Producer 4.53 / 10.015
Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (2001)Producer 5.45 / 10.011
Inuyasha the Movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (2002)Producer 4.54 / 10.011
Under the Same Moon (2005)Producer 3.55 / 10.09
Friends: Naki on Monster Island (2011)Producer 6.85 / 10.07

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