Stuart Cornfeld is List of related works.

Stuart Cornfeld List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Elephant Man (1980)Executive Producer7.42 / 10.0202
High Anxiety (1978)Producer 7.00 / 10.05
Wilder Napalm (1993)Producer 7.00 / 10.02
TENACIOUS D IN THE PICK OF DESTINY (2006)Producer 6.88 / 10.09
The Big Year (2010)Producer 6.80 / 10.05
Zoolander 2 (2016)Producer 6.60 / 10.05
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)Actor, Producer 6.56 / 10.076
Submarine (2010)Executive Producer6.50 / 10.02
Starsky & Hutch (2004)Producer 6.39 / 10.028
THE RUINS (2008)Producer 6.33 / 10.012
Zoolander (2001)Producer 6.18 / 10.087
Megamind (2010)Executive Producer6.00 / 10.03
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)Producer 5.98 / 10.063
Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)Actor5.69 / 10.042
History of the World: Part I (1981)Producer 5.50 / 10.04
Tropic Thunder (2008)Producer 5.36 / 10.057
Blades of Glory (2007)Producer 5.32 / 10.034
THE FLY II (1989)Executive Producer5.29 / 10.058
Kafka (1991)Producer 5.14 / 10.014
Blade: Trinity (2004)Other Crew4.75 / 10.052
Duplex (2003)Producer 4.08 / 10.012
30 Minutes or Less (2011)Producer 4.00 / 10.07

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