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Alan Heim List of related works
Main person in charge : Editor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
American History X (1998)Editor7.79 / 10.0320
The Notebook (2004)Editor6.40 / 10.0134
MY SISTER'S KEEPER (2009)Editor7.08 / 10.093
Copycat (1995)Editor5.41 / 10.068
Network (1976)Editor6.47 / 10.044
All That Jazz (1979)Actor, Editor6.90 / 10.032
BLESS THE CHILD (2000)Editor4.31 / 10.032
Billy Bathgate (1991)Editor4.94 / 10.018
Lenny (1974)Editor8.00 / 10.016
The Producers (1968)Sound Department5.81 / 10.011
She's Having a Baby (1988)Editor6.63 / 10.011
Hair (1979)Editor7.54 / 10.011
The Advetures of Pluto Nash (2002)Editor3.77 / 10.09
Alpha Dog (2006)Editor5.80 / 10.05
Dennis the Menace (1993)Editor5.00 / 10.04
Funny Farm (1988)Editor4.00 / 10.02
Valmont (1989)Editor7.00 / 10.02
The Group (1966)Editor7.00 / 10.01
I Saw the Light (2015)Editor7.00 / 10.01
RACHEL, RACHEL (1968)Sound Department0
Quick Change (1990)Editor0

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
49th(1976 year) Film Editing MY SISTER'S KEEPER Nomination
52th(1979 year) Film Editing BLESS THE CHILD Winner
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